Thursday, December 19, 2013


Samson is our boxer/great Dane mix. he's 10 years old and we've had him since we lived in MN. he enjoys living on land and barks at EVERY car that he See's! He snores while he's awake and while He's asleep so you can't tell if he's asleep by if he is snoring.

He loves his bones. above all costs he keeps it away from Jax.
we've even seen him hide it in a crib, a box  and even in a sleeping bag.


Longlife said...

Hi Madison! its me again Mary long
Funny that he hides his bone from Jax! i hope you look at my blog
i want comments on it

Greta said...

It seems funny to think of Samson as "old" now! I remember when your parents first brought him to the theatre/apartment. They told me they had a surprise and I thought for sure they had bought a new car...nope! :) I also remember watching him while you guys were gone and him snoring SO loud!

Amber said...

Funny old Sammy!! He has been such a good dog and has also had his share of naughty behavior :-) he has definitely driven many people crazy with his snoring too!

Longlife said...

Good ol Samson!! Such a nice dog.
Fun to catch up on pics of him.

Madison Joy said...

thanks we LOVE him SO much